
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Sharing your information

We share your information with Kanpur Nagar Nigam, who helps with services on your behalf, or who has departments with us concerning services, as well as other govt. apps or govt. websites that integrate with our API or services, or those with an API or service with which we integrate. We also share your information with third parties where we have a duty to or are permitted to disclose your personal information by law (e.g. law enforcement officials, government authorities, etc.) in accordance with the law.

Your Consent or User Consent

By using the website and/ or by providing your information, you are giving consent to the collection and use of the information you disclose on the website by our Privacy Policy, including but not limited to your consent for sharing your information as per this privacy policy. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Prominent Disclosure for App

CFC’s app needs certain permissions to connect with Kanpur Nagar Nigam’s staff and to upload documents. This will help us to serve you better. Please allow access to the following permissions.


To upload required documents while service’s application, To upload documents according to the required service.

Files and media

To upload records from the gallery To view your documentation records To view your service-related department


To store/access your document/certificate records in your phone.


* To auto-read OTP to login into CFC’s app